Singing Guide: Shall We Dance

Singing Guide: Shall We Dance

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Frank Sinatra, one of the most iconic and beloved voices of all time, you've come to the right place!

Sinatra's vocal style is characterized by his smooth, rich tone, impeccable phrasing, and effortless sense of swing. In order to develop your own Sinatra-inspired singing style, it's important to focus on a few key techniques and styles that he was known for, which we'll cover below.

Vocal Technique

One of the most distinctive aspects of Sinatra's singing voice was his breath control. He was able to sustain long notes and mellow phrases without sounding strained or out of breath. To achieve this effect, it's important to focus on your breathing. Sing with your diaphragm and make sure you're taking deep breaths from your belly rather than shallow breaths from your chest. This will help you maintain your breath control and enable you to sustain long notes with ease.

Another key aspect of Sinatra's vocal technique was his phrasing. He had an innate sense of timing and pacing, which allowed him to make every note count. When singing like Sinatra, focus on the rhythm and timing of the lyrics, and be sure to add your own unique phrasing to give the song more personality.

Finally, Sinatra was well-known for his vibrato technique. Vibrato is the natural variation of pitch in a sustained note, and it creates a rich and expressive sound. To develop your own vibrato, practice singing sustained notes and experiment with the speed and intensity of the variation in pitch.

Songs to Learn

To really get a feel for Sinatra's style, it's important to study a few of his most iconic songs. Some great examples include " My Way", "New York, New York", and "Fly Me to the Moon". These songs showcase Sinatra's breath control and phrasing, as well as his ability to swing with the music.

Singing Carrots Resources

Additionally, you may want to consider taking advantage of Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises. These will help you improve your ear training and pitch accuracy, enabling you to replicate Sinatra's smooth and effortless vocal style.


To summarize, if you want to learn to sing like Frank Sinatra, you should focus on developing your breath control, phrasing, and vibrato technique. Study his most iconic songs to get a feel for his unique style, and take advantage of the many resources available on Singing Carrots to improve your technical skills and overall musicianship. With practice and dedication, you'll be crooning like Ol' Blue Eyes in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.